Monthly Archives: July 2022

    “Mirror, mirror on the wall why is my nose too big and why am I so small?” An insight to body dysmorphic disorder

    What is body dysmorphic disorder?   It is common to be dissatisfied with our body and appearance and have a desire to change something about our body size, shape, or appearance. Body dysmorphia disorder (BDD) or body dysmorphia is a mental health disorder where a person spends a lot of time worrying about their flaws in [...]

    “Mirror, mirror on the wall why is my nose too big and why am I so small?” An insight to body dysmorphic disorder2022-07-29T15:13:26+01:00

      Keep in Mind to be Kind – A Blog on Bullying

      Keep in Mind to be Kind – A Blog on Bullying Bullying is a common worldwide issue that can occur in all walks of life. It can happen to any of us at all ages and is not only present in children and young people, but adults can also be bullied too during their home, [...]

      Keep in Mind to be Kind – A Blog on Bullying2023-01-04T21:57:53+00:00

        Am I Addicted To Gambling? How To Stop

        Am I Addicted To Gambling? How To Stop It all starts with a little flutter or a wager at lunchtime – gambling addiction begins innocently. Whether it’s bingo or the horses that float your boat, from time to time, we all have to ask whether we have control of gambling or whether addiction is controlling [...]

        Am I Addicted To Gambling? How To Stop2022-07-21T16:07:21+01:00

          Spotlight on Heather Barton - Therapeutic Practioner, The AoC Trust At The AoC Trust, we like to shine a spotlight on our team members and the importance of their contribution -- we succeed together. Each of our team members is skilled, but each person has their own story uniquely connected to The AoC Trust’s values. [...]

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