Compassionate Breathing

Compassionate Breathing

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By the end of this wonderfully healing relaxation CD you will experience a strong sense of compassion and calm. Filling your entire system with compassion!  Skyelixir and The AOC will share with you some wonderful steps which will not only help you combat stress and anxiety but also help to you attain a relaxed and calm state of mind.

45 minutes of pure blissful, hypnotic and calming relaxation. Digitally and beautifully recorded.

2015  The Arts of Change Ltd.  Compassionate Breathing Relaxation CD.  Made in the United Kingdom by Heathcote Studios.  The copyright in this sound recording and artwork is owned by The Arts of Change Ltd.

Unauthorised copying, hiring, lending, public performance and broadcasting is strictly prohibited unless agreed and authorised in advance by The Arts of Change Ltd.

Voice by Christian Dixon

Produced by Skyelixir/The AOC and Heathcote Studio.

Recorded and Mixed by Bill Bates.

Music ‘Zen Zen’ written and produced by Silencio Music.

All titles written by Christian Dixon / Skyelixir / The AOC.

Published by Heathcote Studios / Skyelixir / The AOC.

Recorded at Heathcote Studios, Warwickshire, UK.

Mastered by Bill Bates.

Design by Ed Stephenson.

Thank you to all involved in the making of this CD

And especially everyone at Heathcote Studios. Wonderful spirits.

©2015 The Arts of Change Ltd.  All Rights Reserved.

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